Well, this past week-end was a bit of a Friday 13th kind of drag; but at least I've got one good news (I'm one of these people that sees the glass always half full!)
Now, show me some love!!!
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#2 --> on the sidebar on the right, there is a vote box... see that?
#3 --> click on Inspiration & Realisation (that would be me!)
Now, feel the pity for the Friday 13th corse ....
First of all, as a lot of us very well know, blogger gave us a nice present by killing posts and comments for a good day and 1/2.
While for most of you this was just enough of a bad Friday, for me was just the beginning!
As I mentioned few days ago, I was following (literally, since he's always walking on a super fast pace) my husband in a business trip in Brazil.
Salvador de Bahia - one of the many crosses in town (note the sky and feel my pain) |
Of course, this place is closed on Sunday it would have been great source of inspirations |
... It's the rainy season here. So much for bringing bikinis and flip flops.
Pouring down for three days in a row.
If it wasn't bad enough, a very slow internet connection (that would drop every other second).
So, while my husband was in meetings, I was at the hotel reading. (why didn't I bring my knitting?)
Not just that. I ate so much I need to be on a diet for the rest of my life.
Anyway, from Salvador de Bahia now we just got to Rio de Janeiro. Today was a beautiful day here in Rio, while we were in Salvador with the rain.
...It just started to rain in Rio. I guess tomorrow won't be a suntanning day.
... At least here the wifi is running fast.
The wifi isn't the only one running.... the taxi driver (in his 70's) who drove us here: I'm pretty sure he was somehow related to Airton Senna!
What did Friday 13th bring to you?
xox, d.
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