i don't lie

Now you know, that when I choose the necklaces for my very first giveaway, I put something that I really liked.
As a matter of fact, I was pretty upset to wrap and mail the "ocd-2 necklace" to the lucky winner! (just kidding!)

But I was really picturing myself sporting that baby in the summer!

I HAD to make another one, and since I didn't have the rope, I came up with a different option -don't  buy, DIY;) - making my own rope with my spool knitter, and rather than coil it (it would be too thick) i made a loose braid.

Also used more plumbing supplies: two end pipe caps as end caps (and drilled a hole in the middle) to add the clasp.

Now, you know. I don't lie :)

xox, d.

will link to these parties *<:)


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